Most of the people think that Love and Kindliness are two interchangeable words or synonyms but that is not true. Love and Kindliness are those two words which has a big difference. So, today we talk about these two words if you would like to increase your knowledge so stay with us and read the article until end to understand better.

In a society all people are close to each other but they do not love each other.

True Love and Kindliness tips? are you suffered from Love.
True Love

Love and Gravity

1. Whenever you love someone you will never let him to cry and you can not see him in tears and you will cry with him too, but you will not cry with one who is dear to but you will try to make him calm and reassure him.

2. Talking with those who are dear to you will make you happy but talking and siting with one whom you love will just make you calm and happy.

3. You will listen and hear from those people who are your friends or dear to you but with your love their every single speak will find hope and ambitions in your heart and their speaking will be in your mind forever.

4. Seeing the person who is your friend will make you happy but seeing your love will bring the smile on your face and your heart will breathe more and more.

5. You will neve look to the eye of one you love but you talk and jokes with other for hour and hours eye to eye.

6. Every season of the year, every month and every day of the year is as beautiful as the day of Eid for those you love, but those who are dear to you are as beautiful every day as ever.

7. Love is a feeling in which seeing and intellect have no role, one may fall in love without seeing, but gravity is the opposite feeling which is the source of intellect and seeing.

8. When you love someone you will care about him even if you are in worship, he will be in you mind.

9. In real love you do not think that my love is separated from you think like one body to both.

10. Love is something that I can not describe it and those who are not in love they can not sense it how a love is what he want.

As per my experience the lover always wants to be with his love to talk with him for hour and hour, he will not say that ok finish he will just want to hear from his love and he can not feel that we two separated body. The lover thinks like the love one is in his heart.

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