10 Best Web Development Frameworks

As we see the web applications are rising so for developing interactive applications the frameworks are very essentials to use. The frameworks made it very easy for the developer to develop a web application faster. As a beginner there is always debates on choosing best framework that which one, we should select, so we are here to help you. The web apps have two parts back-end and front-end, so now we will clarify for you to choose the best frameworks in both backend(server-sed) and front-end(clint-side) so let’s start.
Best Front and Back End Development Frameworks in 2022
Best Development Frameworks

Best Back-End Frameworks

Here are the most popular and usable frameworks for backend to make your career with them.


Express is an open source framework which is written in JavaScript. Express is very popular nowadays the famous companies which use Express are: IBM, Uber etc. Express is compatible with other frameworks. Express is used for Web Application, API and mobile solutions.


Django is a back-end web application framework it is popular due to its fast development feature. It is MVT (Model, View, Template) design pattern. The companies that use Django are Instagram, Spotify, Pinterest, YouTube etc.


Ruby on Rail is a back-end web application framework which is popular due to write less code than other frameworks. Ruby on Rail applications are ten time faster than others. It is based on MVC( Model, View, Controller) pattern design.


Laravel is an open-source back-end framework, written in PHP. Laravel is MVC(Model, View, Controller) base design pattern. Laravel has easy syntax and API support. You can learn Laravel in Laracast which provide hundreds of videos tutorials.


Spring is an open-source backend framework, written in Java. Spring is very popular and lightweight. It is based on MVC (Model, View, Controller) design pattern. Wix, TicketMaster and BillGuards are the websites which uses Sprint.


Front-End JavaScript Frameworks

Front-End frameworks are used for to develop the user interface what the users see on the screen. So here is the list of best Front-End frameworks to use.

6. React

React was developed by Facebook’s team it is an open-source library. Considering React it is very easy to learn and use. React was the first component base which is later done by Angular and Vue too. React Virtual DOM and JSX made it very fast and easy.

  • Language: JavaScript
  • Framework Link: React
  • GitHub Link: React on GitHub
  • Stable Release: Spring 5.2.5


Angular is developed by google it’s popular framework in the front-end world. The popular websites that use Angular are Lego, PayPal, Netflix, Upwork etc.



Vue is JavaScript base front-end framework. We can create flexible UIs with Vue. It is young and component base UI framework. These are the websites which use Vue GitLab, Behance, Grammarly, 9GAG etc.

  • Language: JavaScript
  • Framework Link: Vue
  • GitHub Link: Vue on GitHub
  • Stable Release: Vue 2.6.11



Another open-source front-end framework is Ember. Ember is used for modern UI development. It is MVVM (Model, View, View, Model) design base pattern. It has support for building mobile and desktop apps. Apple Music and I Tune are desktop apps using Ember.

  • Language: JavaScript
  • Framework Link: Ember
  • GitHub Link: Ember on GitHub
  • Stable Release: Ember 3.18.1

10. jQuery

jQuery is a small and lightweight JavaScript library. jQuery has very simple syntax and easy to learn. jQuery means “write less do more”. It is cross-browser compatible.