In today's fast-paced business world, effective employee management is the key to success. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, having an efficient Employee Management System (EMS) can make all the difference. In this blog post, We will provide you the source code for the Employee Management system.

Table of Contents:
First Video:
0:00 Demo of Employee MS Project 03:26 Create React & Node App 07:32 Install Packages in Node and React App 14:13 Design of Login Page 23:08 Handle Input Fields and Pass Data to Server 31:40 Create Connection with MySql Database 33:20 Create Login API 41:15 JWT Token Generate & Store Inside Cookies 47:10 React Routing Implementation 52:33 Login Form Validation 55:40 Design of Dashboard 1:01:20 Use of React Router Outlet 1:08:10 Create Category Table 1:09:52 Add Category Design 1:18:18 Add Category API 1:22:28 Display Categories 1:31:30 Add Employee Design and Form Handling 1:42:38 Create Employee Table 1:48:54 Add Employee API and Hash Password 1:56:45 Image Uploading 2:08:40 Fetch and Display Employee Records 2:17:01 Edit Employee Record 2:40:47 Delete an Employee Record 2:49:00 Dashboard Home Design for Summary 3:02:09 Fetch and Display Admins 3:08:46 Logout Admin

Second Video:

0:00 Demo and Introduction 1:30 Start Page 3:32 Design and Write API for employee Login 19:40 Fetch and Display Employee Record 28:50 Logout Employee 32:40 Role Base Management, verify User 49:26 Protected Routes

GitHub Repository Link: