First Video:
0:00 Demo of Employee MS Project
03:26 Create React & Node App
07:32 Install Packages in Node and React App
14:13 Design of Login Page
23:08 Handle Input Fields and Pass Data to Server
31:40 Create Connection with MySql Database
33:20 Create Login API
41:15 JWT Token Generate & Store Inside Cookies
47:10 React Routing Implementation
52:33 Login Form Validation
55:40 Design of Dashboard
1:01:20 Use of React Router Outlet
1:08:10 Create Category Table
1:09:52 Add Category Design
1:18:18 Add Category API
1:22:28 Display Categories
1:31:30 Add Employee Design and Form Handling
1:42:38 Create Employee Table
1:48:54 Add Employee API and Hash Password
1:56:45 Image Uploading
2:08:40 Fetch and Display Employee Records
2:17:01 Edit Employee Record
2:40:47 Delete an Employee Record
2:49:00 Dashboard Home Design for Summary
3:02:09 Fetch and Display Admins
3:08:46 Logout Admin
Second Video:
0:00 Demo and Introduction
1:30 Start Page
3:32 Design and Write API for employee Login
19:40 Fetch and Display Employee Record
28:50 Logout Employee
32:40 Role Base Management, verify User
49:26 Protected Routes
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